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well established and here for you

Professional Team

service with a smile

Meet Our People

Our goal is to unite psychology professionals providing quality services to service users in light of a “no shame no guilt” attitude. We are here to address the societal and corporate demand for psychology-driven training, education and service.

revolution starts from an idea

Our Founding members

Ed Li

"Freedom from Awareness"


Message from Ed

"With the help of self-acceptance and commitment to action, everyone can become an integrated person. I am devoted to offering quality Psycho-Education to share psychology and counselling science to reduce psychosocial risk and enhance mental capital."

Nate Yen

"There are no facts,
only Intepretation"

Managing Director

Message from Nate

"Perception can be deceiving because individuals always choose their own way to see the world. We form PsyTimeHK to educate society and corporations on adopting a different perspective to look at the things that they thought they have been familair with, then to make changes to their mindset, reaction, quality of life, and work performance."

take a closer look

Our Experts

Ed Li

Counselling Psychologist
Business Coach


Ed is dedicated to psychological counselling and also psychoeducation advocating the application of psychology in daily actions through his 7 years of experience and professional qualifications in mental health and business industries.

1) Psychological Counselling: specialises on insomnia, intimate relationship, stress/emotional management, career, self-concept, mental distress.
2) Psychotherapy: treats anxiety disorders, depressive disorders, sexual disorders, OCDs, personality difficulties.
3) Mental Coaching: particularly on sport and speaking performance.
4) Career Counselling: holistic counselling approach to assess, analyse, evaluate and reflect on occupational issues.
5) Parents Consultation: SENs, positives parenting and child psychology.
6) Communication and Interpersonal Dynamics: how to communicate effectively at workplace with positive interpersonal relationships.
7) Leadership and Management Styles: how to lead and manage a team pertaining to science and application of psychology

Therapeutic approach: consist of CBT, psychoanalysis, ACT, Motivational Interviewing, Logotherapy, play therapy and CCT in both psychological counselling and coaching in order to gain insight with new mindset, behaviour, emotion and self-image.


MSocSc in Counselling Psychology, Hong Kong Shue Yan University

BSocSc in Psychology, Chinese University of Hong Kong

Member of Division of Counselling Psychology in Hong Kong Psychological Association (HKPS)

Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership, British Psychological Society (BPS)

Graduate Member in HKPS & BPS

Personality Dimensions Level I certified facilitator 

Certificate in Sport Mental Coach from Asian Sport Psychology Professional Alliance

Certificate in Motivational Interviewing from New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association

Certificate in Mental Health First Aid from Hong Kong Mental Health Association

Nate Yen

Business Coach


Nate primarily focuses on integrating psychology into corporate training, through his 10+ years of experience and professional qualifications in the financial industry and business management.

1) Sales Expertise: B2B selling, cold calling/ email skills, meeting preparation, and questioning techniques in light of the application of psychology.
2) Negotiation: strong at discovering ZOPA (Zone Of Possible Agreement) and adding value to the deal to increase the chance of deal closing.
3) Marketing Strategy: indepth understanding of consumer behaviors and the psychology of motivations.
4) Investment Psychology: extensive knowledge in investment and study on how psychology plays in investment and trading, specialised in behavioral finance and discovering psychological pitfalls for trading and investment.
5) Hypnotherapy: help individuals to reduce stress, manage emotion and achieve behavioral change through the techniques of hypnosis.


Master of Business Administration, University of Manchester

Bachelor of Social Sciences (Psychology & Counselling), University of Hong Kong

Chartered Financial Analyst

Financial Risk Manager

Registered Hypnotherapist – National Guild of Hypnotists

Ernest Lau

Outdoor Experiential Education Facilitator Business Coach


Ernest is experienced in providing sales training, customer service, train-the-trainer, leadership and management skills throughvarious in-house and adventure-based workshops in Hong Kong, Mainland China, Macau and Taiwan. He also coaches on both outdoor ‘Experiential Learning’ and various management sessions to front liners of retail corporations, in Hong Kong, Macau, Mainland China and Taiwan and to HKU MBA students. Eranest was also the speaker of training seminar of Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce.

1) Communication Skills
2) Leadership
3) Coaching
4) Memorizing Skills
5) Presentation Skills
6) Time Management
7) Team Building
8) Creativity
9) Train-the-trainer
10) Customer Service


Doctoral Degree candidate in Business Administration

B.A. in English Language & Linguistics and Psychology, The University of Hong Kong.

Neuro Linguistic Programming Master Practitioner certified by the founder of NLP, Dr Richard Bandler

Sport Climbing Instructor, HKMU

Outdoor Experiential Education Facilitator, IHP, HKU

Heyman Chan

Counselling Psychologist


Heyman is a Counselling Psychologist working with children, students, young adults and adults. Through empathy, Heyman assists clients in finding new meanings in their pain and struggles, witnessing their growth, and achieving holistic development of the mind, body, and spirit. She provides personal and group services as listed:

(1) Psychological counselling: Emotional regulation, intimate relationship issues, self-worth related doubts, social difficulties, grief processing, stress coping, etc.
(2) Psychotherapy: Depressive Disorders, Anxiety Disorders, Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders, Feeding and Eating Disorders, Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders, etc.
(3) Hypnotherapy: Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders, Sleep-Wake Disorders, Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders, etc.
(4) Psychological consultation: Parent-child relationships, handling children with special educational needs (SEN), etc.
(5) Vocational counselling: Self-assessment, Career exploration, Career counselling for teenagers, young adults, and transitioning adults.

Therapeutic approach: Psychodynamic, Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), Humanistic Client-Centered Therapy, Ericksonian Hypnotherapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, etc.


MSocSc in Counselling Psychology (HKSYU)

Member of Hong Kong Psychological Association (HKPS)

Master of Social Sciences in Psychology (Schools and Community Settings) (EdUHK)

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Therapist

JPHAA Certified Associate Instructors

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