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PsyTime Hong Kong

Enriching Your Mental Capital

Who We are

PsyTime Hong Kong is dedicated to establishing a novel cutting-edge Psychology ecosystem. Our team of professional psychologists is committed to delivering impactful services, including (1) Institutional Psychoeducation designed to mitigate psychosocial risks and enhance psychological capital (PsyCap), and (2) Individual Psychological Services for remediation and self-exploration, in order to increment mental hygiene awareness with better work-life balance.

Our Vision

Reduce psychosocial risk of mental disorders and turbulences

Increment employees’ (aka. Individual’s) Mental Capital

Strengthen motivation and performance with self-efficacy in work and life

Curate and normalise a non-stigmatising and "no shame no guilt" ecosystem between psychological service providers and users

Work-life balance is attained and sustained by higher mental capital and motivation in both professional and personal realms. We got the “formula” to assist and excel employees and individuals.

Our Principle

what we do for You

We promise our team delivers meticulously researched and insightful Psychology services tailored for corporations and other institutions. Same dedication to providing professional psychotherapy, counselling, and coaching services designed to meet the unique needs of individuals with a focus on quality and efficacy.



why us

Unique and diversified Psychological Services

The Only Corporate fortifying mental capital with comprehensive coverage for both individual and organizational levels by applied Psychology.

Extensive Professional Network

Connection and unity with Psychology professionals to deliver reliable and effective psychological services.

To feel and think what you feel and think

Offering clients with tailor-made psychological services through a human-centric and empathetic approach.

Grounded in Scientific Evidence

Practical application of scientific principles of Psychology in both vocational and daily contexts.

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