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Addressing Insomnia at its roots

Sleep Soundly, Live Fully

Learn More About Our Services

What is insomnia psychological counselling?

As E. Joseph Cossman once said, “The best bridge between despair and hope is a good night’s sleep.” Does this resonate with you as you toss and turn all night, desperately seeking that elusive rest? If you’re struggling with insomnia, you’re not alone—millions of people worldwide face the same challenge.

When traditional remedies, such as sleeping pills, lead to unwanted side effects and rebound insomnia, it can be easy to feel discouraged. However, there are effective alternatives that can help you reclaim your sleep. Engaging in psychological counselling for insomnia is a transformative step that addresses underlying issues and provides you with strategies to quiet your mind and foster a more restful state.

Multiple scientific studies reveal that insomnia often stems from psychological factors. Intense emotions and stress from work and worries can disrupt sleep. Our mental well-being is linked to physical health, as our emotional state can directly influence the secretion of sleep hormones and the functioning of our immune system. Understanding this relationship is key to reclaiming restful nights and achieving overall wellness.

How can we help?
PsyTimeHK’s team of registered psychologists specialises in treating insomnia with evidence-based methods. We identify the unique factors contributing to each patient’s sleep difficulties. Our primary treatment, cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBT-I), effectively addresses both acute and chronic insomnia by helping patients modify unhelpful thoughts and behaviours while promoting healthy sleep habits.

Research shows that 70-80% of patients with chronic insomnia no longer meet the criteria for insomnia after completing CBT-I, leading to improved daytime functioning, mood, and quality of life. 

If you are struggling with insomnia, our compassionate psychologists are here to help. Contact us today to schedule your first session and start your journey toward better sleep.




For those battling insomnia: "All I truly desire is to enjoy a peaceful night's sleep."

What are the benefits of using psychological counselling to treat insomnia?

Improved concentration

Reduced fatigue

Boosted self-confidence

Stabilised emotions

Success Story: Overcoming 5 Years of Long-Term Insomnia through Counselling Psychology

We spoke with Rahim,  who battled insomnia for 5 years. Initially, eczema made it difficult for him to fall asleep, which gradually transformed into a fear of insomnia itself. This anxiety increased his insomnia, adversely affecting both his personal life and work performance. Through insomnia psychological counselling at PsyTimeHK, Rahim gained valuable insight into the root causes of his sleeplessness. His sleep quality significantly improved within months, enabling him to finally enjoy the restful sleep he had long desired.

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