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What Our Psychologists can do for you?

Individual Services

we are good at what we do

We are here to assist

Psychological factors are the prime factors influencing your functioning. What you need is professional psychological counselling or consultation.

Psychological Counselling

Addresses interpersonal relationships, emotional management, work-related stress, self-image, loss of loved ones, mental distress, and more.


Specialized in treating anxiety disorders, depression, trauma, obsessive-compulsive disorder, schizophrenia, sexual disorders, personality disorders, and various psychological disorders.

Psychological Coaching

Covers communication skills, athletic performance, public speaking and other performances.

Career Counselling*

Assists in finding a suitable career path, exploring interests, understanding values, navigating the professional market, and expanding skills.

Parental Consultation*

Focuses on children with special learning needs (SEN) and providing parental education, including parenting strategies and child psychology.

Children's Services

Through play therapy, art therapy, and other approaches to address children's external behaviours, internal emotions, learning motivation, and social communication.

Group Counselling^

Mainly addresses anxiety, performance anxiety, phobias, depression, and separation grief.

^Referral required from a psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist, or social worker.
*Online consultations are available by appointment.

Individual Services

Feel out of control sometimes?
Come to see our scientist-practitioner Psychologists/counsellors for professional psychology services.

Everyone has mental needs and risks to mental illness, just like physical needs and risks to physical illness.


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